Steamfitters Local 638,
Getting it Done for Suffolk Residents in Need of COVID-19 Care
Many are answering Governor Cuomo’s call to support our New York communities during the challenges we face under COVID-19. One organization who has a history of stepping up in a crisis is the Steamfitters Local Union (LU) 638. Along with the Building Trade Unions, these men and women spent two weeks straight in Suffolk County working under the coordination of the Federal Army Corps of Engineers to erect five temporary hospitals at Stony Brook University, which will service patient-overflow from Stony Brook Medical Center. These temporary facilities have made it possible for the hospital to provide adequate care for the growing numbers individuals infected with COVID-19 on eastern Long Island.
PSNNY’s is proud to recognize one of our Board Members, the Business Agent for Steamfitters LU 638, Janet Powers Pacella, who worked closely with her crew to ensure their safety and morale during this effort. Enjoying a friendly conversation with Janet, she expressed to me the overwhelming pride she felt regarding the work the union members completed in record time; she described the solidarity these workers felt for those medical first responders who continue to put their lives on the line to care for the sick. We are all in this together, noted Janet, who said plainly,” I’m not surprised that we got this thing done because this is what we do in a crisis—we come together!”
NY Strong, LI Strong, Suffolk Strong, Union Strong!